Our Process:

You’ve done the research and selling through an agent can cost tens of thousands in commission, marketing and time spent on the market, just to feel disappointed that after all of the costs, you haven’t come out with as much as you hoped for.

Imagine if 24 hours after us seeing your property, you could have an agreed offer in your hands giving you the ability to move on to the next chapter of your life.

The team at buymyhouse.co.nz are here to help. Our directors Michael and Karl felt their friends and clients’ pain, that they were going through difficult situations and just wanted a faster and easier way out. In many situations they would say, what if someone could give you a great price for your property today, would that help you move on?

Many years later, we are here to ask you the same question. We have been proud to help people get through marriage separations, as-is-where-is sales and other stressful financial situations, with as little stress as possible.

Your first step is to click contact and get in touch, from there you’ll see and feel the difference in dealing with a professional, experienced team of private property buyers.

We look forward to talking to you promptly as we take great pride in seeing people within 24 hours of contact or arranging a flexible time to suit your busy life.